The house seemed so lifeless and cold as the little girl walked through it. She had no school to go to that day but everyone else had had a job to go to which left the girl at home alone that cold January morning. She had slept through breakfast so she had o eat alone which just made her feel the emptiness of the house even more. She turned on some music to make the house seem a little more friendly as she prepared her breakfast of scrambled eggs with bacon bits cooked into it and cheese sprinkled on top. It was not long before she start to dance to the music. The sun started to shine through the window as the cloud that had covered it moved. The girls heart lifted for the loneliness was forgotten and she was enjoying the lively music that brought to mind a much friendlier world where she was never left alone unless she wanted to be. In that other world she saw herself dance in the fields full of wild flowers and every so often she would fall to the ground out of breath. With great heaving breaths she would smell the lovely perfume of the flowers and then she would be right back up on her feet again to swirl and do funny little dance steps that didn't really fit the song. She was not horrible at dancing it is just she had never been taught and so she tended to just move about randomly which to someone else looks extremely odd but to herself who can't see what she looks like it was fun and anything else didn't matter.
This heavenly time spent in another world was healing to the little girls heart but like anytime spent away from home it must come to an end sometime. The music, although still very lively, it no longer hid the fact that she was alone. The clouds covered the sun again and it was time for her to come back to reality. She moved slowly to turn off the music and the stood looking around the room as if it was a room she didn't know. Sighing she sat down on the sofa and grabbed a book. Opening it up she started reading, and off she went into the world of the author's creation.
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